This is a question asked frequently by people who have quit chewing tobacco and are unsure as to whether their gums will grow back or stay the way they are. Sadly – in almost every case of gum reduction caused by dipping – the gums do not grow back at all. If you have only done it once or twice, there may be no actual gum damage but usually any damage caused is not repaired; however, your gums will become much healthier. Any tissue left will heal but it will not grow back to its previous state.

The good news is that there are procedures that can replace your gums and cause them to grow back to how they were before the tobacco chewing started. The procedure starts by peeling back the gums from the affected area and coating the teeth that the gums surrounded with mild citric acid. After that, new tissue taken from the roof of the mouth will be placed over the damaged area. The citric acid will help it to bond to the existing tissue. After that, the gums are placed back and the whole thing is stitched up. A protective layer of cotton or gauze is placed around the are, protecting it from harm and infection. After a few days, the gums will be back to how they were originally.

Apart from that, there are no ways to undo receding gums. If you do not seek medical attention and stop the gums from receding, it is possible that your teeth could become unstable and literally fall out. What happens is the gums recede so much that the tooth basically uproots itself and could fall out at any time. It is best to operate before this happens and let the gums heal, because it is sometimes quite difficult for someone’s gum to recover from that level of damage. In conclusion, it is best to try and get your gums fixed before the reduction gets out of hand.


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TheQuit_org @QuitandStayQuit You have to understand YOUR triggers and how to avoid & deal with them, and be prepared with non-nicotine alternatives.
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