Getting started quitting is one of the simplest, yet hardest things you will ever do.

Are you ready to quit? Have you finally reached the point where you keep telling yourself that its time? Your in the right place, our getting started section of the site. We know what it takes to quit, and we know how to help you find the freedom that you have been looking for. Take a look around, and if your ready to get started head on over to our quit dipping forum.

What we do there is simple, but what sets us apart from other methods is that it works. Quitting alone can be done, don’t get me wrong. But you have a much higher chance of success if you quit with a support group. A group of people who know what you are going through, and can show you that quitting is actually attainable. I remember when I quit, all I kept thinking about was the whole forever thing. A community showed me that quitting was actually attainable, and that it could actually be done. Seeing that it was possible, made the difference for me. I wasn’t alone anymore.

Dealing With The Symptoms

The symptoms are one of the hardest part of quitting. If you're prepared for what's ahead and have a support group to back you up, you can make this happen. After making the decision to quit, its time to start preparing for what you...

How To Get Started Quitting

If you want to get started you need to inform yourself, find support and check yourself for the stones to follow through and make this happen. If you're looking to get started quitting, you're in the right place. is an online...

New Quitter FAQ's

This is the FAQ section of the site. These are questions we get all the time about quitting smokeless. If you are thinking about quitting chewing tobacco, or just recently quit, you are bound to have some questions. These are some of...

The Decision to Quit

The decision to quit dipping is one of the hardest and most rewarding decisions you will ever make in your life. You will never regret quitting, trust us. We know why you're here, because at one point we walked in your shoes. And...

What to Expect When You Quit

Thinking about quitting dip, but don't know what to expect? We have the answers that you're looking for right here. // // This section is full of information about what you can expect when you finally make the decision to quit chewing tobacco....
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TheQuit_org @QuitandStayQuit You have to understand YOUR triggers and how to avoid & deal with them, and be prepared with non-nicotine alternatives.
TheQuit_org @StopSmokingGlos Thanks for the follow! Anyone in the good fight against tobacco is a friend of ours! Thank you for all that you do!!