If you want to quit using chewing tobacco, these are our steps. Follow these and use the support from our message boards and quitting is a no brainer.

Here are the steps to quit using dip. If you can follow these and want to quit bad enough, you can quit. If I can do it, so can you.

Step 1: Make The Decision to Quit

Of all of the things that go into quitting, this is one of the hardest. There aren’t enough nagging spouses or health problems on the planet to make someone quit who isn’t ready. We have all heard and seen the stories of people who are dying due to their addiction, yet still choose to chew. You have to want this with every molecule in your body, because it wont happen if you don’t.

Step 2: Remove All Temptation

After you have made the decision to quit, there should be no turning back. Your quit. Flush your stash, and I mean all of it. A trophy can or pack does you no good when you are quitting. You don’t need ‘em anymore. All it can do is harm in a weak moment. If you disagree, you are not ready and need to go back up to step one and reevaluate your decision.

Step 3: Check Out Our Forum and Why This Place Works

Many quitters before you have found nicotine cessation communities highly effective. There is a sense of community, useful tools and people who are down there in the trenches quitting right next to you to lean on when it gets tough. A quitting support group is not beneath you, trust me.

The steps to quitting dipping tobacco.

These are the steps to quit chewing tobacco.

Step 4: Surround Yourself With Support, Not Temptation

A wise man once told me that if you don’t want to slip, well, don’t go to slippery places. Do not be afraid to tell everyone around you that you are quit, own it, tell them that you don’t want that poison anywhere near you. If removing the poison from the situation doesn’t work, remove yourself. At least until your quit is in a stronger place. Because when it is in that stronger place, you will laugh at those can slaves.

Step 5: Hold Firm In Our Decision

No matter what, stick with it. As bad as it may get, know that it does get better. We promise. We tell new quitters NAFAR, or never again for any reason. Keep these words in mind when your quitting, this is how to quit using chewing tobacco.

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TheQuit_org @QuitandStayQuit You have to understand YOUR triggers and how to avoid & deal with them, and be prepared with non-nicotine alternatives.
TheQuit_org @StopSmokingGlos Thanks for the follow! Anyone in the good fight against tobacco is a friend of ours! Thank you for all that you do!!