The decision to quit dipping…it’s not a hard one to make really, but we all struggled with it! The other night, I was chatting, and 2 younger gents came in “wanting” to quit. I wanted to quit for years before I actually did, what changed? What made them “see the light”? It’s simple really, admitting you’re an addict, realizes that the ONLY thing nicotine is doing to you is 1)taking your money 2) taking time away from you 3) taking your life away from you. To sum it up, you are paying big tobacco to kill you, simple as that. Understand that, that little can is controlling your life, that you are a slave to the nic bitch, and that decision will become a lot easier! If you have that can of dip or that pack of smokes next to you, that little thing on your shoulder telling you to ‘finish that then quit’ is your addiction. FUCK THAT! Take back your life and flush those cigarettes/dip! When I first did this, I had claimed it felt good, but I’m going to be real with you, my mind set was ‘holy crap, what the hell am I doing?!’ followed by a freak out. The comforting thing was that, I knew, I read and I saw others going through the same thing. New quitters, I have been there, many here have been there, we all had to start out at day 1 at some point and each day we renewed that quit with a promise to our brothers and sister that said “FUCK YOU NIC BITCH, I am quit today!” everyday, one day at a time. This quit is different for me, I am not alone in this quit, I understand that I am an addict today and I will always be an addict. I can not promise you I will be quit in a year, but today, no way am I using dip, I’m quit with all of you.

Quit Hard!

Bruce- Day 325

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