A rundown of what to expect when you are trying to quit chewing tobacco.

By no means are we physicians, but we all know the side effects and what to expect when you quit chewing tobacco. We also know that the only way for these to pass is to hold firm, lean into it and stay quit.

Check out our forum for more information on what to expect when you quit chewing tobacco.

Intense Cravings

They come and they go, but one of the most noticeable symptoms is the craving for a nicotine fix. These pass, along with all of the other symptoms

The Fog

What we call the fog is an inability to concentrate, it makes everything seem grueling and last forever. It sets in early, and if you stick with it, it passes relatively quickly.

Dizzy Spells and Lightheadedness

Your body is going through a huge change and some people experience these. We are not doctors, if your feeling something that you know isn’t right, you should go see one.


The feeling of always being tired, wanting that nicotine fix to give you a little jump start. This passes, and in time, you will feel way better than you did when you were using nicotine.


Racing thoughts, worry, edginess and irritability. These are all common things that people experience while quitting. They pass, be patient.


A feeling of worthlessness and a loss of ambition. This does pass, but if your worried about it you should see a professional.

The Inability to Sleep

Many quitters experience a mild insomnia, your brain is changing chemically, give it time.

Stomach Problems

A lot of quitters complain of constipation. You have to realize that your taking away a stimulant that your body has grown accustomed to, this passes as well.

Weight Gain

The weight is easier to take off than the quit is, trust us, worry about it when your in a safer place.

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