
I started dipping when I was about 8 years old and continued to use tobacco for about 38 years. I tried to quit several times over the years. I have tried the gum and the patches none of that worked for me. The biggest issue I think I had was the people helping me quit have never had to quit so to them it was not a struggle. I stumbled across a website very much like this one a few years back. I thought yea right a forum for quitting chew..HAHA what a joke but they did have some info on what to expect if you quit, that was a first. I joined that forum and lurked around for awhile. Then I decided I would quit but not post. So April 1, 2009 I quit cold turkey quit!! After 38 years no dip I did not tell anyone including my family that I quit. Why because I’m a addict and I knew I would fail so why get anyone’s hopes up.

The first couple days were hard I was sick I felt like it was the worst hangover you could imagine. My wife was worried so I finally told her what I did. She was glad she has wanted me to quit for along time. I watched the group that I was supposed to post with hey you know what they were going through the same thing I was!! I knew there names but still lurked I was still scared I finally did post in that group. I made some good friends going down this road.

Does a quit forum work????

As of the writing of this I have been quit over 3 years.

There is no luck involved just pure grit and determination.
Step up to your new life with us and Welcome again.


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