Stop Chewing Tobacco: A Picture of Mouth Cancer that Should Help You Stop Dipping.

Stop Chewing Tobacco and Take Your Life Back Today.

Do you want to stop chewing tobacco?

This is a list of some of the most common myths, and misconceptions, about dipping. It is amazing when I talk to people, specially educated people, that some of them do not understand the difference between these myths and the real truth about dipping. If you have any questions about how to stop chewing tobacco, or need to clear up any other myths with come truth. Check out our online community. We are a group founded by a few quitters, who have all stopped chewing tobacco, and decided to help others find the same freedom we have. Registration and membership are free. Join us.

Here is our rundown of the common chewing tobacco myths and misconceptions. Its sad to say that not many people really know the truth about smokeless tobacco and the harm that it can do, and does. These things can be extremely helpful for those who are deciding to stop chewing tobacco. This is because once you start to understand just how false these myths are, you will begin to understand why you need to stop chewing tobacco.

How to Stop Chewing Tobacco: Our Common Myths About Dipping

Myth: Using chewing tobacco is better for me than smoking.
Chewing tobacco is still tobacco. It still contains nicotine, which is the addictive substance in tobacco. Chewing tobacco is just as dangerous to your health, if not worse than smoking. If you don’t stop chewing tobacco, you run the same risks.

Myth: I can use a little bit of chew, dip or snuff and not get addicted to it.
The nicotine in tobacco has been said to be just as addictive as cocaine, heroin and alcohol. You are not special or beyond nicotine’s addictive grasp and this is why people chew tobacco. Even if your not addicted to dip now, you will become addicted if you don’t stop chewing tobacco.

Myth: Chewing tobacco isn’t as addictive as smoking.  
There are higher amounts of nicotine found in chewing tobacco than there are found in cigarettes. Because nicotine is the addictive substance in all tobacco, it can be argued that chewing tobacco is more addictive. You run a higher risk of getting addicted if you don’t stop chewing tobacco.

Myth: If my favorite baseball player or other sports figure chews, its OK for me to use chewing tobacco.
Just because someone else does it, does not mean it is OK. Chewing tobacco is highly addictive, you will eventually pay the price if you don’t stop. Chewing tobacco kills.

Myth: Chewing tobacco makes me a better athlete, or preform better at my daily tasks.
Nothing has been found or proven connecting users of tobacco and better performance in anything. All it does it kill. Stop chewing tobacco now and save your life.

Myth: I am not addicted, I can quit anytime I want to, its easy.
Try to quit with us for one day, if you cant, your an addict. We all thought that we weren’t addicted before we actually stopped chewing tobacco. But once we came to the realization that we were addicts. That’s when we all became able to stop chewing tobacco.

Myth: If I take care of my teeth and gums, I can lessen the effects of chewing tobacco on my mouth.
Cancer, receding gum lines, bone loss and tissue damage can all occur equally when you do or don’t take care of your dental hygiene. If you don’t stop chewing tobacco, you can’t stop the damage it does to your mouth.

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