Are you trying to figure out how to stop chewing? We know what you are going through because we were all chewers, and have all stopped chewing. We have a system that when followed, guarantees that you will stop chewing. If you think your ready to quit, head on over to our forum, register an account, post your own introduction and talk to some of our members. We have all been in your shoes and can help.

The system that we follow is a very basic and effective one. We hold each other accountable on a day to day basis. You can read up on our quit system on the forum.

How to Stop Chewing Our Way:

Before you get started, there are a few things that you should know before you start your “How to Stop Chewing” journey.

The Decision

You have to make the decision to stop chewing for yourself, and no one else. Children and loved ones can be a part of your reason, but if it isn’t mainly about you, you will end up resenting those that you quit for. Keep in mind that you put yourself in this situation, and therefor you must suffer the consequence.

You Are an Addict:

You must realize that you are addicted to nicotine, not chew or dip. If you want this to stick, you need to admit this. Once you admit that your an addict, your eyes will be opened up to how your addiction alters your rational perspective.

Remove Temptation:

Stopping chewing is hard, and when your surrounded by temptation, it can be impossible. If you have truly made the decision to stop chewing, you should know this is the end and have no problem flushing your stash and steering clear of slippery situations.

Surround Yourself with Support:

Negativity kills quits, so put yourself in situations that help you. Tell people you have stopped chewing, come clean with those you have been hiding it from. Make yourself accountable.

Never Put That Poison In Your Body Again:

Never again, for any reason, should you put that poison in your body. This is how to stop chewing our way. Again, if you think your ready to quit, head on over to our forum

How to Stop Chewing: The Facts Here is a short list of facts that should help you make your decision.
  • Chewing tobacco causes cancer.
  • Chewing tobacco causes heart disease.
  • Chewing tobacco causes gum disease.
  • Chewing tobacco causes birth defects when used by pregnant women, and reduces sperm counts in men.
  • Chewing tobacco is addictive.
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