Have you been searching the internet or this site trying to find some chewing tobacco quitting tips? Are you thinking about quitting but have no clue where to start? These are our chewing tobacco quitting tips.
Chewing Tobacco Quitting Tips

Chewing Tobacco Quitting Tips. Use them or face the consequences.

Your in luck. We know what your going through, and we can help. We are a community of quitters who have all quit chewing, quit dipping, quit snuff and snus. We have a forum that we use to help others quit, and to help keep ourselves quit. With all of our very personal experience, these are the chewing tobacco quitting tips that we know work.

  • Make the decision to quit and to not turn back. If you cant do this, it will never stick.
  • Come to the realization that you are addicted to nicotine. Not chew, dip or snuff. You are a nicotine addict. This is one of the most important chewing tobacco quitting tips.
  • Make a list of your reasons. When times get tough, look back on this list to keep things in perspective.
  • Come clean with those around you. As much as it might hurt them and your relationship, this is a powerful tool for us ‘ninja dippers’. The truth really does set you free.
  • Keep yourself and your mouth busy, use gum, fake chew, candy or sunflower seeds. I personally used decaf green tea bags. Use whatever works for you. The more you can take your mind off of the suck, the better.
  • Educate yourself about your addiction and what is going on inside of your body. Check out our library.
  • Embrace the nicotine withdrawal. As stupid crazy as this may sound, if you can believe that this will get better, it will make it easier.
  • Remove all temptation until you are in a place that you can stand firm. If you cant remove the temptation, remove yourself.
  • Surround yourself with support, not negativity. If you decide to join us, you will get more support than you could ever need.
  • Know your triggers, take care to recognize and then avoid them at all cost.
  • Sign In, take nicotine off the table, keep your word and enjoy your freedom.

These are our chewing tobacco quitting tips. The most important one that we all follow is the last. So, if your ready, why dont you head on over to the registration desk and come quit with us.

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