Want Information About Chewing Tobacco?

This is our chewing tobacco facts and statistics section of the website. We have tried to put together some of the most useful and helpful information that we could find. Take a look around, you would be surprised at what you didn’t know about chewing tobacco. Even if you’ve been using it for years.

This section is constantly being added to as well, so you can always check back and see what new information has been added.

Knowledge Is Power.

We have learned that one of the best tools that you can have when it comes to quitting, is knowledge. The more information that you can find and read, the better. It is also a great way to keep your mind busy during tough times, or help you keep your resolve to stay quit.

Chewing Tobacco Brands

Chewing Tobacco Brands

The Brands of Smokeless Tobacco. These are all of the different chewing tobacco brands sold in the US today. They are all unique in their very own way, but all of these chewing tobacco brands contain cancer causing tobacco and addictive...

Chewing Tobacco Facts

// // Looking For The Facts About Chewing Tobacco? We have compiled some of the best smokeless & chewing tobacco facts that we could find and put them here in this chewing tobacco facts section of the site. After you check out the links ...
Chewing Tobacco Ingredients: What's in Smokeless?

Chewing Tobacco Ingredients: What's in Smokeless?

What is in Chewing Tobacco? Do you ever wonder what kind of ingredients are in smokeless tobacco? Prepare to be blown away when you take a look at the list below. There chemicals that have been used as rocket fuel, chemicals found in...

Chewing Tobacco Statistics

// // Welcome to our smokeless tobacco statistics section. We have compiled some of what we think are the most pertinent chewing tobacco statistics out there. Whether your thinking about quitting or just interested in the facts, here they are.  ...

The Effects of Chewing Tobacco

// // Thinking About Quitting? We Can Help. Chewing tobacco, also known as dip, chew and snuff, is used by approximately 3.2% of people aged 12 and older in the US. It comes in different forms, cuts, flavors and styles. But it is all deadly....
The History of Tobacco

The History of Tobacco

Though many people make use of tobacco, very few have actually given any serious consideration to the history of tobacco. The History of Tobacco - Before Europeans: Tobacco is a plant that is native to North and South America, as well...

Why You Need to Stop Chewing: The Facts

These are the facts when it comes to why you need to stop chewing tobacco. You know you need to stop chewing, but you just cant bring yourself to quit. Here are some facts that should shed some light on why you should stop chewing....
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TheQuit_org @QuitandStayQuit You have to understand YOUR triggers and how to avoid & deal with them, and be prepared with non-nicotine alternatives.
TheQuit_org @StopSmokingGlos Thanks for the follow! Anyone in the good fight against tobacco is a friend of ours! Thank you for all that you do!!